Corporate brand strategy and personal branding.

Brands that are driven by values tend to be very deep. Its founders and management team have developed them with passion and feel a special commitment to their clients and society. But they often struggle to translate all their value into a proposition that resonates with their audience. I help you transform your brand values into your company's greatest asset and a powerful tool for success in the market.
Storytelling: it is the magic word that everyone evokes and few master. How do you write a brand story that reaches people's hearts? Emotion is an art and it has its rules. Discover with me the path that takes you to the heart of your audience, in a rigorous and strategic way.
Treat your brand strategically and make it the greatest asset for your businesses.
Transform your brands through values and improve your results
Establish a deep relationship with your clients, your employees and your stakeholders

I design roadmaps that allow companies to establish a privileged relationship with their audience. I do it with an articulate and complete look, inspired by the relationship between people.
Brands are people and we all establish personal relationships with them. To take the relationship with their audience to a very deep level, brands must be useful, they must excite and they must earn the trust of their consumers. Only in this way will the relationship become stable, with enormous benefits for the viability of the businesses.
Create a unique, relevant and inspiring brand

An inconvenient truth
Most Europeans wouldn't care if 75% of brands disappeared tomorrow*.
This happens because brands do not know how to connect on a deep level with their audience. They do not know how to find the true value they offer to the market and communicate it in an authentic and seductive way. If they did, if they abandoned their manipulative communication attitude, the public would react positively, buying their products and coming back again and again.
*Data from Havas - Meaningful Brands
Switch to the 25% of brands the public loves
How I work
I trust the hearts of your people
I believe in collective intelligence and the warmth of collaboration. I like to consider myself as a facilitator, a mountain guide who accompanies the explorers of the human soul - CEOs, CMOs and those who manage brands. The best way to get the best out of your brand is to bring to light the brand that is already present in the essence of your company, in its history, in its purpose, in its values and in the talents of the people who are part of it.
I use a mix of techniques to reveal the purest essence of your brand and find your impactful value proposition. I do in-studio work with ideas and debate, but what excites me most are the workshops I organise with my clients' teams. In them I use brand strategy models to stimulate the conversation, generate a special creative energy and create authentic and inspiring power-brands.
Most of my interventions take the form of a workshop in which we value the knowledge and passion of the teams to develop concrete and grounded strategies and plans.

Get to know me better, because business is done by people.
There you will find up-to-date information on what I propose and some reflections that may interest you.